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Auckland Hydroseeding & Contracting. Ph Tony 021 710 890

Before Hydroseeding your lawn

The better your site is prepared, the more fantastic your finished lawn will be! 

Remove vegetation and debris

To achieve a perfect lawn, your site should be free from vegetation, stones, rocks, sticks and debris and have a smooth and level topsoil surface ready for the seed to thrive. If you need to clear vegetation in the weeks/months prior to Hydroseeding, use a non-residual herbicide and follow the manufacturer's instructions. 

Prepare your topsoil

A generous topsoil layer provides the ideal environment for your grass to thrive. Your topsoil should be a minimum of 100mm in depth and level across the site you are Hydroseeding. Take extra care to ensure it's level with any surrounding surfaces such as paths or concrete and free from big clumps - use a rake or a light roller to achieve a smooth topsoil layer.

Your topsoil surface should be firm enough to walk on without sinking into it, leaving heavy indents. A slight impression is acceptable - this provides the perfect seedbed for germination.

What if I don't have a good topsoil layer?

Additional topsoil may be required to prepare your lawn for Hydroseeding if your existing topsoil is poor quality or the area needs to be raised to be level. We can assist with topsoil supply and site preparation. Get in touch to discuss your project>